Tuesday, April 13, 2004

It's tax season, so today we're finishing up the last of the tax prep work. We should have it in the mail tomorrow, a full day ahead of the deadline.

Last night we had a little celebration of WHM's 85th birthday. We are certainly blessed with great examples of long, good lives in our family. The MacGregors will be going back to PEI this week. Yesterday their dog, Molly, ate the Easter candy that was left unattended for just a few minutes.

The April rains have come, so I won't get outside for a run today. (The National Weather Service has put out a flood watch announcement.) We're fortunate to have a YMCA just a few miles away. The Y has a great selection of Nautilus equipment, as well as indoor tracks in each of its buildings. The main building has a swimming pool that Sandra uses (and with her mother when she's in town). I don't care much for pool swimming (chlorine) and so spend my time on the track or the equipment. We joined the Y last fall. I get there four times a week. Sandra can swim during the day at a facility at her workplace; she uses the Y on the weekends. We'll see how this changes during the summer.

When I was working I'd go to the Y shortly after 6AM. Now I dawdle and get there between 7:30 and 8:00. By then, the silver sneaker crowd has arrived. The early crowd is mostly middle-aged (close to my age). Late afternoon brings a younger crowd, 20s and 30s. I know people by sight and we nod greetings. Some people talk a lot, talk more than they exercise. The locker room fosters a habit of good eye contact, even if little is said.

I'm expecting a return call from an agency regarding work. A friend referred me to this agency and to a position that may not be the best match. (Technical evangelist. Jimmy Swaggart with a laptop.) The recruiter at the agency thought that she might have some other opportunities.

I've not been impressed by the job listings on monster.com. I have a few automated search agents that look for documentation, project management, and related positions. Every morning, I get a long list of "HOME MAILERS & DATA PROCESSORS NEEDED NOW! WORK AT HOME!" postings. I'm not quite ready for a career stuffing envelopes.

My online CD collection is up to 3.7 days worth of music.

It's nice to get an early start, but it can make the day long. I will be running low on energy around 11 and will have an early lunch. Some days I have a nap in the early afternoon, but less frequently now than before. I think that I might finally be caught up on my sleep.

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