Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christians' War Against Christmas

Even though Bill O'Reilly would have us believe that Christians have long supported Christmas in America and that Christmas is the ultimate American religious holiday, America's religious history is bit more complicated.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Does not auger well

The main auger on our snowblower is acting lazy, even in the fluffy snow. It took twice as long as it should have to make the path to the wood pile and the general cleanup. (Mike plowed the driveway.) The forecast calls for an evil mix of snow, ice, and glop late Saturday into Sunday. It'll be important to clean out quickly because near-zero weather will follow.

We had about nine inches of snow.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

How to see cats

When Sandra and I stayed at The Red Lion Inn recently, their house cat, Simon, visited us in our room, staying a while for nap under the bed. Some years ago, we decided that we would add no more pets to our household, but Simon's visit has made us waver.

Neatorama reports on a Japanese rent-a-cat service where you can spend time with cats without the care, cleaning, and furniture repair that are required when you have a cat at home.

Lore has it that cats can see in the dark. With the magic of cloning, cats can be made fluorescent and so we can see back at them.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Google Blogoscoped: Monsters of the Programming World

Why it's better to be the grandparents

The author of this article used instructions for squirrel-proofing a house, changed the word squirrel to teen, and found domestic tranquility.

Living healthy with Google

So I thought it would be a good idea to find out more about organic fruits and vegetables for sale in this area. Google offers a handy package of applications for the Blackberry so that it's easy to download tools such as GMail, Picasa, Google Docs, Google Maps, and the venerable search page itself.

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