Thursday, November 20, 2008

Typealyzer - Meyers-Briggs, Briggs & Stratton, something like that

The Typealyzer says this about this blog.

Crime in suburbia

From The Landmark (subscription required):


Monday, November 10

6:39 p.m. Vehicle parked in middle of Sunnyside Ave., no one around, no keys
8:28 p.m. Caller looking for vehicle towed from Sunnyside Ave.
11:45 p.m. Two suspicious females ducking behind bushes, Doyle Rd.

Tuesday, November 11

10:19 a.m. Party on skateboard carrying dog, Salisbury St.
3:17 p.m. Kids digging in pits, Main St.
6:15 p.m. Two-year-old locked parent out of residence

Wednesday, November 12

4:50 p.m. Report of person on Dorothy Ave. thumbing and yelling at cars

Thursday, November 13

3:31 p.m. West Boylston PD reports scammer pretending to be out of gas and asking folks for money, then driving off
7:52 p.m. 911 caller reports phone not working; advised to contact phone company

Friday, November 14

5:20 p.m. Dead deer in road, South Rd.
6:54 p.m. Caller concerned about inability to pay rent
7:23 p.m. Rutland resident hit deer
8:28 p.m. Kids in front of high school on wall; on the way to KPs

Saturday, November 15

6:46 a.m. Suspicious gun shots reported near industrial park
8:18 a.m. Hunters in woods, Sawyer Ln.
11:16 a.m. Disoriented male on Main St.
4:29 p.m. Three teenagers throwing sand/ice melt, Shrewsbury St.
4:53 p.m. Girls throwing things at passing cars
9:01 p.m. Notification of Boy Scouts that tornado watch is on

Sunday, November 16

7:40 a.m. Loose sheep, Salisbury St.; owner informed


Monday, November 10

2:47 p.m. Walk-in to speak to officer about neighbors who go too close to her property
3:47 p.m. Erratic operator near Rutland line; driver not used to new vehicle.

Tuesday, November 11

2:31 p.m. Neighbor's dog is loose; Anna Maria students trying to catch it

Wednesday, November 12

11:13 a.m. Caller reporting animal in the house, dark brown, 7-8 inches long
3:59 p.m. Caller advising buildup of leaves at Pleasant/Crystal Sts., worried it may cause cars to skid
4:50 p.m. Caller from Anna Maria College asking if they can use fog machine inside theater; advised no as it will activate fire alarms

Friday, November14

3:13 p.m. Woman received call that her dog was found; she did not know the caller

Saturday, Nov 15

2:42 p.m. Person cutting trees knocked out power to area. Power restored @3:35 p.m.
6:06 p.m. Caller requests welfare check for her children with ex-husband for the weekend; neighbor called to report man is intoxicated, bleeding and unconscious at bottom of stairs


Wednesday, November 12

No police calls


Monday, November 10

3:49 p.m. Red tailed hawk smashed into a window and broke its neck, Karen Way

Tuesday, November 11

8:04 p.m. Dead raccoon, Main St.


Tuesday, November 11

5:28 p.m. Multiple motorists reporting large cow grazing on the side of I-190

Wednesday, November 12

4:48 p.m. Report of goat "head butting" front door of home, Princeton Rd.

Friday, November 14

9:41 a.m. Two males walking down road with large plastic bag, Chace Hill Rd. Individuals out collecting cans and bottles
6:22 p.m. Dog dragging leash or chain running across yard, Maple St.
11:08 p.m. Individuals using flashlights in woods near reservoir, Heywood Rd.

Should we be afraid? Confused? You betcha.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting (subscription required) that Democratic leaders have delayed until December a vote on a bailout package for the U.S. automakers.
Democratic leaders said Thursday there is no deal on aid yet for the Big Three U.S. auto makers, and asked the chief executives of those companies to return to Congress with concrete plans on how they would use federal funds to turn their companies around before getting any money from Washington.
In the meantime, Chinese carmakers SAIC and Dongfeng have plans to acquire GM and Chrysler. They've already got all of our cash; they might as well do something with it.

Current Economic Downturn 101

As in, what the Current Economic Downturn means to you if you're 101:

via Scary Financial Times

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Maybe you'd rather just have a side of fries instead...

In case you wondered:

via Consumerist.

Ice. We haz it.

Today was the time this season when the temperature stayed below freezing for the whole day. As a result, a skim coat of ice covers the calm part of the pond near our house. And with the ice come the ducks. You'd think that they'd take a cue from the fact that the water's cold enough to freeze their, um, feathers and they'd head further south. Many of the ducks will winter over.

A good job to have, if you don't mind occasionally dying

The World Wide Web is wonderful, giving you all kinds of helpful information. For example, lots of people are becoming increasingly anxious about losing their jobs, with good reason. Citi recently announced that it's shedding 50K jobs. HP is tossing more than 25K. Heck, even Tivo is letting people go.

In Massachusetts, every labor market (various combinations of cities, towns, and regions) had an increase in their unemployment rate, year over year, in September.

So, it's a good idea to look around for jobs that have a good prospect of riding out the storm. A page such The Best Recession-Proof Jobs is a good place to start. Number 5 on one of their lists is "Commercial fishing, because demand for fish is increasing in the U.S. even as foreign supply is declining."

One itsy-bitsy twist. Guess what profession tops the list of most dangerous jobs? Yep. From Forbes, via The Quick 10: Jobs in the U.S. With the Most Fatalities from mental_floss:
Topping the most-dangerous list: fishers and their staff. Thirty-eight fishermen--112 out of 100,000--died on the job last year, mainly off the frigid coasts of Alaska and Maine. There's a reason that Discovery show is called "Deadliest Catch."

Larry Simns--co-founder of Commercial Fishermen of America, a San Francisco-based nonprofit representing U.S. commercial fishermen--knows the pain. Last year Simms' friend Captain Philip Ruhle Jr. went down with his 80-foot squid ship in a storm roughly 40 miles off the coast of New Jersey.

"They all know the risks," says Simms. "There's a chance of getting killed, but you don't put a lot of emphasis on that. You're just extra cautious because you know you can't just get off the boat and walk home if something goes wrong."

Also, the Get Rich Slowly list includes construction worker as a good option, if you don't mind being #2 (Construction workers in the iron and steel industry) and #6 (Roofers) on the Forbes deadly 10.

Pass the Python, Monty

Monty Python has (have?) created a Monty Python channel on YouTube with high-quality clips of their own choosing.


via Miss Cellania

I wasn't looking for geographies; I want a cup of coffee.

Citysearch is a web site that provides what Techcrunch calls 'Hyper-local content'. Because they're still in Beta, we should probably give Citysearch some slack. Nevertheless, when I searched for coffee shops in our fair town, not only did I not get any geographies, but I didn't get any alternative offerings.

I know that suburbia can be dreary, but, c'mon.

The truth comes out.

In Microsoft's defense, the headline is erroneous; it should say Anti-Spyware. I think.

from the Wall Street Journal web site at 3:35AM on 19 Nov 2008.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why Holden needs three pharmacy chains

Just a reminder that the folks of Holden are struggling along, bearing up under great privation, with only two national pharmacy chains in town.

Consider, if you will, that people can get the No!No! hair removal system at CVS for only $250. Nice, huh? You'll get 64% less hair regrowth.

So, you're gonna want to celebrate that hair removal. To do so, you'd better be packin' some Drinkin' Mate Hangover Defense. Not only does Rite-Aid carry this miracle cure, with the single-check rebate, you can get it for free.

But, then, you've got to be able to tell your friends the good news, eh? Sure. To do that, you need a phone. And not just any old AT&T, Nokia, or Blackberry phone. Nope. You need a *Licensed* phone that has M&Ms or Hanna Montana on it. To get such a phone, you need Walgreens.

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