Saturday, April 24, 2004

Well, I finished the 5K and didn't finish last.

After our mid-morning coffee break on the front porch, Marley and I will go to the camp. Sandra's going to a baby shower for sister-in-law Val and will go to the camp this evening. The weather forecast calls for freezing temperatures tonight, so one of us is balking at the idea of a sauna. We stopped briefly at the camp last weekend and saw that the ice had broken a ladder on our dock. I'll remove the broken ladder and likely we'll do without for a while; replacement ladders are pricey. One of the pins holding the dock to the shore is bent. I'll put a chain on it for now and replace it once it is warm enough to allow us to work in the water.

I don't get a runner's high, at least not as I imagine it. Mental distress does go away when I do serious physical labor or exercise hard, like Forrest Gump.

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