Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The war for our hearts and minds goes up a notch

The Liberty Counsel has created a Adopt a Liberal Home program.
Until such time as I gain wider notoriety, you can just call me The "Unknown Liberal"
The good folks at WorldNet Daily, who brought this service to light in their story, Tired of gritting your teeth over liberals?, also note that
Liberty Counsel also said it will be creating a deck of cards similar to baseball trading cards, with one side featuring the picture of a liberal and on the other side some of their liberal positions "that negatively impact life, liberty and family."
"In this way people can pray for a specific person and then trade cards with their friends," the organization said. "There will be 51 cards, which is one card short of a full deck!"

1 comment:

Pink Granite said...

Well, I suppose it's an improvement over the Arizona pastor praying for our President to die: http://is.gd/40DTr
But that's setting the bar awfully low.
- Lee

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