Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Dept. of unsolicited tweets

Through various means, people can set up automatic schemes to follow you on Twitter. Mostly, it's benign. If they're following you, they can see your posts (tweets), but can't send anything to you unless you follow them. You can take the added step of blocking that user so that they can no longer see your posts.
Every day, I get a few of these unsolicited follower notices. I block all but a very few. This one is a superb example of why I would a) not follow and b) block one of these subgeniuses:

The next time I need Greating Cards, I'll know where to go.
I have no idea if the company, SendOutCards®,to whom that shortened url points,is responsible for this Twitted intrusion. I hope not.
Then, again, this how the company presents its Compensation Plan to its distributors:

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