Thursday, April 10, 2008

Spring. We haz it.

I babysat for Cassie for a couple of hours today while Lynn sang at a funeral. She wasn't too keen on seeing me at first, because it meant that her mother was going out. C. stayed in her room and watched a video (Jungle Book). By the end of the video, she wanted me to meet her new cat, Tigger. (I'd met the Tigster a couple of days ago, but C.'d forgotten that.) So, the three of us played outside in the sun. C. can grab Tiggs by the haunches and carry him around like a sack of cooked pasta. He doesn't mind a bit.

At one point, the Tiggman went under the snowmobile trailer. "Iso," she said, "I need some help here." I crawled under the trailer and brought him back into the sunshine.

When Lynn returned, she and Cassie went out to a lunch gathering along with mothers and other three-year-olds. I stayed at the house and worked on their computer, ridding it of a couple of nasty bits of spyware and a couple of rootkits. It took a long time to run the scans, so I was still there when Lynn and Cassie returned. At that point, C. didn't think that I belonged there anymore. "Please don't come to my house anymore," she said. She went to the door and held it open until I left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how blunt kids can be, dont you? It's a good thing they're so cute. Sounds like you're enjoying the warming up weather and getting some sunshine- are the tulips blooming yet?

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