Saturday, January 15, 2005

Samuel Johnson remarked, 'No man but a blockhead ever wrote, except for money.'(From the Gutenberg Project version of Boswell's Life of Johnson.) By some accounts, there are as many as 10,000 new blogs each day. I'll leave it to the reader to estimate the number of blockheads who have revealed themselves.

The football season is heading into its homestretch. The Patriots play tomorrow. The local liquor stores are hoping for a Patriots win because that will boost sales for next Sunday. On my way home the other day, I stopped at the BJ's in Westborough (one of those big warehouse stores). They have a liquor department with a separate entrance. As I was coming in to the store, a person leaving with a 30-pack of beer, for those times, I guess, when a 24-pack case just isn't enough.

I finished the work week on what I think was a good note. In sum, and again, for those of you who care about such things, I've cobbled together a makeshift content management system with Microsoft Access and some shell scripts. I wouldn't show it off at the county fair, but it let me complete a couple of assignments. The work was interesting and, on Monday, I'll learn if it was useful.

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