Thursday, May 13, 2004

Remembering a theme from the Pogo comic strip, Friday the 13th comes on a Thursday this month. Little bad luck so far. It's a fine day, sunny with temps in the mid-60's. I spent an hour trimming the shrubbery in front of the house. The shrubs had been damaged by January's deep cold. The tiredness in my arms makes me glad that I don't do landscaping for a living.

So, I might have a job offer. Lots of things can derail it, so I won't put a lot of details here yet. If anything does come of this opportunity, it won't start until some time in June. I may ask for an extra two weeks off, even without pay, during the negotiations. Marley and I had to go out a couple of times so that I could fax the application and various supporting documents to the company.

A red-winged blackbird has been hanging around our bird feeders. I don't have a telephoto lens, so it's hard to get a good picture of it.

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