Monday, August 29, 2011

This is the point at which we yell at Facebook again

The new Facebook privacy settings and other user interface changes have shown up at Camp Roasterboy. It won't be pretty.
When trying to make a simple status update, this shows up.

What the hell? I chose not to have the new features explained to me right now. I want to do what I was able to do yesterday.
As one user observed about the arrogance of the Facebook development team, "That's so mean. They think so much of themselves."


eba said...

(a) they pretty much force you to read it whether you want to or not. FB nagged me every time it looked like I might update my status until I finally caved.
(b) it would be nice if they had hired real technical writers (with actual training) to write the blurbs. How wordy can you get?

Karl Hakkarainen said...

Not only that, but their first item ends with a preposition.

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