Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mongolian reindeer crisis almost not averted

President Tarja Halonen of Finland arrived in Mongolia without reindeer.
Normally, that wouldn't be news. Most people arrive in most places without reindeer. I know of one person who toured Mongolia and, to my knowledge, she never considered bringing reindeer.
This meeting was different, however. The two countries have been discussing ways in which Finland could help to replenish the dwindling Mongolian reindeer populations. There had been diplomatic discussions about sending live reindeer, and how can I put this diplomatically, and reindeer eau de life to Mongolia.
News reports indicate that the meetings between President Halonen and Mongolian President Ts. Elbegdorj were cordial. There will be further discussions about mid-north-central Asian reindeer underpopulation.

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