Sunday, January 03, 2010

More on TV news

Every time someone watches a WHDH newscast, an angel pokes Walter Cronkite with a sharp stick.
With the typical TV newscast having about 17 minutes available in a 30-minutes show, the big story ought to be the big story.
There is an old joke producers scream when young reporters say they need more time for a story. "What do you think you’re covering?" they yell. "This story isn’t worth it. For the end of the world, you get two minutes. But only if you have good video."
via How TV Newscasts Work - from Winning with the News Media
 To their credit, WHDH (Channel 7) in Boston did mention the current snowstorm, the 94 people killed in a suicide bomb attack in Pakistan, terrorism.

So, of course, they used up two minutes and 17 seconds for a story from last Wednesday about a Tennessee knucklehead who stole a Coke machine by hooking a chain to it and driving away. The cops recorded the high-speed chase and finally put "a cap on a cola caper's crime".

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