Thursday, January 07, 2010

I saw the best minds of my generation ...

It used to be that Marley would run into the other room when I started cooking. We had a very sensitive smoke detector that would sound the alarm whenever it, well, detected smoke. I'm a better cook now, more careful, more patient. I also rely on the microwave to pre- and re-heat a lot of foods.
So, it was serious when those puffs of acrid smoke came from bottom of the microwave as I prepared our contributions to Christmas Eve dinner. At his age, Marley's got better things to do that to be running from my cooking again.
Sandra and I brought the microwave to the Sears repair department. Upon learning that there was a $90 minimum charge for repairs, we told the repair tech that he was the proud owner of a microwave that only emitted smoke when it was on. We then went upstairs to buy a new oven.
The guy selling appliances looked like so many guys I know, guys I went to school with, guys a lot like me. I'll bet that he didn't look in the mirror often, but when he did, he was surprised by the white hair that was taking over.
Sears had taught him the basics about features for each of the appliances, but he had to check the weekly sales flyer to find out about specials.
As we looked at the various models, sometimes a price tag fell to the floor. "I'll get it," he said, thinking that he could pick up something from the floor as easily as he could 40 years ago.
We decided to go with one of the larger units.

We wanted it in white. He checked the computer and told us that he didn't have it in white.
"Can we buy a floor model?" we asked.
"I'm sorry. I can't sell floor models."
"What other colors do you have?" we asked.
"I'll have to go downstairs and check." With that, he left the floor and went to the stockroom to write down model numbers of what was in inventory.
While he was gone, I sent a Twitter message.

Sears won't sell us the last microwave we want because then they won't have any.

He came back and told us that there were no other microwaves in other colors. We asked about the stainless steel model that was on display.
"It's $199.99"
"But the sticker in front of it says $152.99."
"That's for the black or white."
"But you don't have those."
"Do you have any stainless steel?"
"Can we buy the floor model?"
"I'd love to sell it to you, but the company won't let me."
"Because if you did," I said, "then you wouldn't have any left."
"If this was a Mom-and-Pop store," he said, ignoring me, "they'd sell you the floor model just like that. I can't do it, though."
And so we left without a microwave and Sears didn't get our $152.99 or $199.99.

A few hours later, Sears customer service finds me on Twitter and sends me some notes.

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