Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fire in the sky

I wish that someone knowledgeable in paper composition would explain why printer/copier paper burns so poorly. I know that glossy paper, such as magazine stock, has clay mixed in and so more glows than burns. Regular printer/copier paper must have something mixed in that makes it less fire friendly.
We're dealing with this because we brought down another box of old receipts from the attic. This time, it's stuff from the late 80s and early 90s.

And, I need the fire because I've been standing outside watching the Leonid meteors.
Yup, they're there. But, these things play tricks on both the mind and the eye. We look at the sky and expect that things are stable. Is that Orion's Belt? Yep. Is that the North Star. Wait a minute, let me figure it out. Find the Big Dipper and then the Little Dipper and, wait, what was that? Oh, yeah, a meteor. That's why I'm out here. In the chill and the dark.
The dog looks at me from inside the house with that sweet, gentle look that says, "He's my human. I love him. But it's cold out there. I wish he'd spend the time getting the fire in the stove burning better."

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