Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Tunes from the sky

Another year, another trip to White Plains. Yesterday's drive started in moderate snow and faded to light rain across Connecticut. I left behind a half foot of snow; there's almost none on the ground here.

To make the three-hour trip a bit more pleasurable, I decided to get satellite radio. I chose Sirius, not because of Howard Stern, but because Sirius has the CBC and world news radio than does XM. One channel offers English-language broadcasts from national radio stations around the world, including countries such as Slovakia, China, Sweden, Ireland, and other locations.

The music selections are also pretty good. I've yet to hear any Frank Zappa or Peter Green-era Fleetwood Mac, but they do have a good selection of surf music on their 60s channel. Yesterday, I listened to Jackson Browne's "The Load Out/Stay." That was (and perhaps still is) a favorite when, at the end of a trade show, we'd strike the set and get the equipment onto the trucks, heading back home or perhaps to another show.

Of course, Sirius isn 't meant to replace my iPod or stop my drift into iPod oblivion.

I'm not looking for a new job and, even if I was, it wouldn't be for a job as a cartoon artist. Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, is helping another cartoonist find an artist to work on a syndicated strip. BTW, Scott Adams was one of the first, if not the first, to put an email address on the comic strip. This was in the early 90s, '92 or '93, perhaps.

If you're interested, you might want to practice here. You can see how well you draw and also learn what you draw says about you.

Of course, if your drawings reveal that you need psychiatric help, there's one place you probably don't want to go. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a group founded by the Church of Scientology, has opened the 'Industry of Death' Museum, an exhibit on the horrors brought about by the psychiatric profession.

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