Thursday, May 12, 2005

"We made too many wrong mistakes."

In May 1977 my father had his sailboat on the trailer in the backyard, ready for the new season. He has a picture of the boat, with a foot of snow. We're not going to get snow, but the National Weather Service has sent out frost warning bulletins for tonight.

We had our supper on the back porch yesterday, enjoying the mild breezes, sighs, and sounds. The soft green of the new growth is filling out, except on one tree. We have a honey locust in our front yard. We call it our Stephen King tree, because its twisted branches, thorns, and pods make it look as though we're having a glimpse of the Territories. Each year we wonder if the tree is dead. Each year, later than we'd expect, its leaves emerge.

Tess was sick, so yesterday wasn't much of a birthday celebration. This illness has been making its way through their household, so it may be a few days before the parents can sound the All Clear. Matt was home for a couple of days as well. He and I had a very nice IM chat yesterday afternoon.

When the grandkids were younger, before they discover just how badly I sing, I would the Monty Python Lumberjack Song as they were going to sleep. (I didn't sing in Polish. It just sounded like that.)

Self-replicating robots. What could go wrong?

Most people who are treated for depression respond well to medication. Some do not. Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) provides a good meaure of relief. This study is exploring magnetic stimulation as a more focused, less voltaic option.

Toyota is playing Curtis Mayfield's Move On Up in their new ad. The music isn't loud and is easy to miss.

He's not a member of our immediate family and he did play for the Yankees, but, Happy 80th Birthday, Yogi

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