Friday, May 13, 2005

Friday the 13th comes on a Friday this month

The birds have strapped on little skates and will do figure-8s on the ice-covered bird bath.

As Churchy La Femme observed, when Friday the 13 falls on a Friday, " Be resolute. Be unafraid. Hide early." (Because Pogo is out of circulation, but still under the family's copyright, it's difficult to find good examples of that most excellent strip. I have several books of collected comics, still hilarious, insightful, and heart-breaking after more than 30 years.)

I dropped off some ginger ale and Popsicles to Mike's family. Everyone's been sick, even the cat. Cassandra was the last to catch it, while the others are returning to normal. I asked if there was anything else they needed. Matt said, "A heal-the-family pill."

Maybe we should arrange for this guyy to make a house call. But, wait, there's more.

Everyone has a dream. This dog-washing machine looks new, but the Three Stooges demonstrated the idea in Mutts to You in 1938.

Today's automated search for a technical documentation position: Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Advisor.

Yesterday afternoon I met Sandra at a local mall where we were going to have dinner. I sat outside for a few minutes, watching the people and the traffic. It's a marvel that we don't do more damage to ourselves and property with our cars. Even at parking-lot speeds, we're dangerous, inattentive and in a hurry. Of course, sometimes it's due to our passengers. More than a few times, I saw an annoyed teenager hop out of a car to get into the mall; moments later, a relieved parent drives away.

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