Friday, May 06, 2005

Apostrophes would be out of control!

Today is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

BPF stopped by last night with a sweet gift of flowers from her garden. She was on her way to a 9PM choir rehearsal. She said that she's teaching Spanish, folk dancing, and golf at an elementary school in a nearby small town.

Often I will see people (men, mostly) walking down the corridor at work, carrying a laptop and a cup of coffee, the cell phone held against their ear uncomfortably with their shoulders. Something like this might make that contortionist act easier.

People who have worked in companies with energetic marketing department know that it's very easy to accumulate many t-shirts and regular shirts with logos and commemorative designs. When we get too many of them, the good shirts go on to a shelter, the not-so-good ones are torn up and used to clean what the dog didn't eat well enough. In spite of last year's purge, I still have a couple stacks o' shirts in my closet. Anyway, here's another solution, a quilt made of old t-shirts. (The author has nice things to say about his mother-in-law, too.)

The University of Minnesota chose the name Scholars Walk, rather than Scholar's Walk, for a walkway. According to news reports, the school's style guide avoids use of apostrophes on building names and in other titles. The CEO of the university "was concerned that an apostrophe signifies ownership that could be misconstrued as exclusivity."

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