Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Some things we rely on without even thinking about them, such as the firmament beneath us.

Here, the earth is steady and a cold rain falls. There have been warning about floods in some low-lying areas because of the heavy rain. The low temperature, just a few degrees above freezing, has slowed the snow melt.

This week brings the first change in my work routine since I started this job. I'll travel to another town for my training. The classes are scheduled for 9-5. With breaks, that yields about six hours of instruction. My head certainly feels empty enough to receive new material.

For your next candlelight supper, here's a special after-dinner coffee with this for dessert. Oh, and don't worry about these snacks; they're baked, not fried.

If your phone isn't ringing enough, put up an ad that offers computer repair service.

I'm glad that I don't have to look for a job right now. Job-hunting, including, but not limited to the interviewing process, requires a level of marketing energy that I just don't have right now. I keep alert to possibilities, such as following up with a former co-worker who occasionally needs documentation support for his consulting business. And, I read articles about online job searches, such as this (NYT, free registration required). That's about it for now, though.

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