Sunday, March 27, 2005

Hyvää Pääsiäistä or Onnellista Pääsiäistä. If you can pronounce either of them, help yourself to an egg. (Most of the eastern church won't celebrate Easter until May 1. The Finnish church has used the Gregorian calendar since 1920 to determine the date of Easter.)

Sandra and I went grocery shopping last evening, picking up a few things for today's Easter dinner at Mike and Lynn's and to pick up our own groceries for the week. The place was three-alarm bonkers. At one point, the store manager announced that there would be a clearance sale on cookies. Folks headed for the tables like it was Filene's Basement. To their credit, eople were polite as they bumped into each other. I'm told that this frenzy has something to do with the resurrection of Christ Jesus.

Today's installment of "I work hard, but what I do isn't hard work." comes from our own back yard. Sandra and I stacked wood yesterday morning. Somehow, the guy who cuts, splits, and delivers our wood makes a living at it. He can produce enough wood at a low enough price that he can sell it and still make a decent wage.

Along those lines, you can now live a simulated version of someone else's live with Real Lives. The latest version includes, and I'm not making this up, "Fixed bug in configuration file that caused diseases not to appear in some cases"

I work with technology a lot and so see its limitations. Sometimes you just can't trust the clicker to do the right thing. Sometimes the V-Chip doesn't give you the control you need. Rest assured. Here's a gadget that will keep Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter from all 525 lines on your TV screen.

For the first time in a very long time, the week's forecast doesn't include the word snow. Yesterday we had our morning coffee break on the front porch and lunch on the back porch, each time enjoying the strong March sunshine.

The snow is still a foot or more deep in much of the back yard. We'll work on the wood pile this morning, visit my father at noon, and then go to M&L's. (We invited my father to dinner, but he doesn't attend large gatherings anymore.) It will be a full day and a good day. We have more than our share of blessings.

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