Thursday, March 17, 2005

Just because it's got green on it doesn't mean that it has anything to do with St. Patrick's Day.

Shortly after 6:00 last night I sent the fourth book off to the editorial staff. We don't have time for anything more than the most cursory review. The book may bring some value to some customer someplace. I hope.

Yesterday was my first 10-hour day at work for this job. Ten-hour days used to be the norm.

Maybe he's been reading my expressions, but yesterday my manager reassured me that my job was going to continue at least until May. There's still talk about permanent positions opening up. I've found that I've made good contributions in some areas. People have been coming to me for help with their problems with some of our software products. It's satisfying to be able to provide answers. The things that have gone well have gone very well; the things that haven't haven't.

The junk email in the past couple of days included a few intriguing subject lines.
Your kid may be an honors student, but you're still an idiot.
The news is good on the economy topcoat
This is the last day of your new life.

The content of the messages, of course, was as you'd expect.

This has been kicking around the 'net for a few days. I'd hope to have some clever commentary by now. There are times, though, when cleverness needs to step back with hat in hand and acknowledge grandeur. (Although the site is in Norwegian, the video clips transcend language.) Lead us to greatness, Norwegia.

G'bye, Dick Radatz, aka The Monster.

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