Monday, July 12, 2004

Today I start a contract writing job. The job should last a few months. In the meantime, I'll continue my search for permanent work. (I use the word permanent advisedly. I may have mentioned this before, but I heard one person describe work as the thing we do between layoffs.) I have a couple of interviews in the queue that I'll need to schedule around my new work day.

So, how do I feel about returning to work? Mixed. It's a good group of people. It will be good to use my mind again and to be in regular contact with people. As I noted earlier, I've experienced a sharp drop-off in the amount of email that I receive. It will be good to rejoin a working team. Oh, and the money will be nice. On the other side, it's difficult to get really excited about something that is temporary. In the past few years I've thrown myself headlong into my work and have experienced all of the joys and bumps of such intensity. With a contract job, we don't reach that level of involvement. Also, in some past contract positions, I've even been invisible, there to do a job and all but ignored by the full-time staff. This group may be different. I hope so.

Last week I sank into a blue mood for several days. I'm doing better now. I have a wonderful family that supports and encourages me. I'm truly blessed.

I started this web log as a way to record my activities and thoughts while I was out of work. I should, then, retire this journal and start another with a new theme. Watch for the further adventures of Roaster Boy.

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