Thursday, June 10, 2004

Slowly the air is clearing out and cooling off. It was a stormy night. We lost power for a while.

I've added email notification so that regular readers will receive an email when I've added an entry to this blog.

A chipmunk ran under the back deck, arousing great interest for Marley and Molly. They're a fun duo. Molly, about nine months old, is exuberant and bold while Marley is mellower, but knows his own mind.

The MacGregors arrived yesterday in good order. They made it in 11 hours.

I have a couple of phone calls scheduled for today, a chance to talk with people regarding prospects at a couple of companies. Yesterday morning I had an encouraging chat with an HR person at a consulting company. The trouble is, I've been very close on consulting jobs before, only to have them fall through for a variety of reasons. So, after a brief time of speculating about the job, I dropped back to the routine. Until I have a signed offer letter, I have to keep my job search moving forward.

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