Thursday, February 09, 2012

Whelmed is an archaic word

A VP at a former company used to say, "The easy stuff should be easy." The idea was that our energies, time, and money should flow toward the hard problems. Sandra has another way of phrasing it, creating a Jetsons type of life. The ordinary things can be automatic. Sounds great, until we remember how the show ended, with George shouting, "Jane, stop this crazy thing."
This, as you might have guessed by now, has been an odd week. Some things have gone quiet well. My course on social networking started yesterday. The class is interested, engaged, and fun. (Reminder: if you are going to do a live demo of your Facebook page, expect the unexpected. The people in the class were good-humored about the picture of the swearing cat that showed up in one FB post.)
Other work has been a struggle. A couple of writing assignments stumbled and needed rewrites. A web project is stalled. I'm overdue on a couple of reports for another project. Stuff like that. Nothing really bad in and of itself, but, the whole is more than the sum of the parts.

So, today I'm feeling whelmed, which, I've learned, is a word we don't use unless we need it.

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