Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Note on Fitchburg politics - thinking beyond tomorrow

[caption id="attachment_2825" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Fitchburg Mayor Lisa Wong addresses a Massachusetts Broadband Institute program"]Fitchburg Mayor Lisa Wong addresses a Massachusetts Broadband Institute program[/caption]

As noted yesterday, I attended a presentation Monday by the Massachusetts Broadband Institute at Fitchburg State University. Mayor Lisa Wong introduced the program and noted the imp

ortant advancements brought about by having good broadband and wireless connectivity in the city. She presented a proclamation (full of details, she noted, gathered from the Internet) for MBI director Judy Dumont.

Most of the people in the audience were out-of-towners. This was the night before Election Day in the city. Mayor Wong was in close and tough race for re-election. She chose to be in a place that offered little immediate political advantage to talk about a program that would have a long-term benefit for the city.

This morning we learn Mayor Wong was re-elected to a third term by a record turnout of Fitchburg voters.

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