Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Protecting the job creators

Speaker of the House John Boehner has, not surprisingly, criticized President Obama's "Millionaire Tax" plan as bad for job creators.
Put another way, ask yourself, how many jobs has Alex Rodriguez (annual salary of $32M) created? Red Sox semi-pitcher John Lackey ($15.9M)? Vernon Wells (hitting a robust .222 for his $18.5M salary)?
How about this? Write a letter to Lebron James ($16M in salary and $48M total, with endorsements). Tell him that you don't support the taxation plan and that you're grateful for all the jobs he's created.
 While you're at it, write to Lady Gaga, Glenn Beck, Oprah, Howard Stern, Dr. Phil, Rush Limbaugh, Charlie Sheen, and others on the Forbes Celebrity 100.  Let 'em know how comforted you are that their taxes won't go up. They'll thank you for it.
Enjoy that new job.


zed said...

By Dana Milbank, Published: September 20

Iam a job creator.

I am not a job creator in the sense that I actually create jobs. I have never knowingly created a job, and my long-term business plan, approved unanimously by my board of directors, does not call for the creation of a single one.


Karl Hakkarainen said...

I'm one of those job-creators, too. In a good month, I might be able to create one new (paying) job for myself.
As Milbank points out, it is the tax code that drives certain legal artifices.
I don't think that my modest expense deductions are driving the nation to insolvency, but I'll check. If, as it turns out, I need to pay a bit more, I'll be in line, right behind Forrest, Jacqueline, and John Mars, each worth $13.8B from selling Twix.

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