Friday, September 23, 2011

If the sky doesn't fall, we'll be busy

When I meet people at conferences, as I did yesterday, people ask me what I do. I have better results trying to explain how neutrinos can travel faster than the speed of light. I usually say, "Anything for a buck," and go from there.
Here's what in the queue:
There are also many friends and family members to whom I owe notes, phone calls, and visits. Plenty of explanations,  but no excuses.
Meanwhile, we're wondering what's going to come out of the clouds besides rain. A couple dozen pieces from an old weather satellite are due to come out of orbit and crash into most likely water, somewhat likely land, very unlikely (1 in 3200 chance) a person, or (4.46428571 × 10-14 ) you.
Good luck.
Wear a hat.

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