Saturday, May 21, 2011

Spring is here

We received our firewood for next season this afternoon. It's a bit later than usual; the woods have been so wet that the wood cutters have had a late start. I tried calling last year's guy, but his phone has been disconnected. From an ad on Craigslist, we bought a five-cord truckload. (We'd picked up another smaller batch a few weeks ago as well.)
Our exercise for the next month will be to stack wood. We're also starting to get new pallets. Many of the old ones fall apart as you lift them into place. That's not good. We have to be able to walk on the empty pallets when they're frozen into the ground. I figure that we'll replace half of the pallets this year.
The driver asked me if the wood looked ok before he backed the truck into the yard. "I don't anything about wood. I drive a truck." I looked over the delivery. It's a hardwood mix, mostly oak with some maple. It was cut a week or two ago, but still smelled fresh. 
"I do know that's a pine tree," he said, pointing to the big spruce in our front yard. "I was cutting one of those up and got sap all over my hands."

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