Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I get all the news I need on the weather report

The second article in Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog mentioned that 425 people have died in floods in Colombia. (Link to the UK Guardian story.)
I read a lot of news from a lot of sources and don't recall seeing any stories about the Colombian floods, let alone the stunning number of deaths. There are no recent stories from U.S.-based news outlets.
While Matt Drudge is credited as a major channel for news referrals, there's no mention of Colombia on Drudge's site in recent Google memory or in the Drudge archives. CNN and Fox News had stories three weeks ago. The Guardian story, used in the Wunderblog is a week old.
Columbia is important to us because of wheat deals and potential free trade agreements, but not so much that we're sending humanitarian aid.

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