Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heavens above

I know folks - school administrators, police officers, mental health workers - who are absolutely convinced that their clientele behave much worse during the time of the full moon. The general data shows no statistical correlation. These folks, as they go to work this week, might appreciate the science, but will still be on their guard.
Weather, including high wind, appears to have a more verifiable effect.
Nothing in the skies, however, seems to either increase or diminish the agitated quality of some.
This was an attempt at deicide by Obama....

Obama reached a new height of subversion with his bastardization of these keywords from the Declaration of Independence. That betrayal of the founding document of our country – America's birth certificate, if you will – shows him not only unworthy of the office of the presidency, but unworthy of U.S. citizenship as well.

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