Wednesday, August 25, 2010

An evening at the bookstore

Visited a Barnes and Noble last night. Nice place. Good energy. Nice people. Wanted to find a book. Looked around a lot. Couldn't figure out what category it was in. Found lots of 2011 calendars, rude and funny books, and plenty of displays of summer reading paperbacks. Didn't find the book I wanted. Came home and ordered it on Amazon. It'll be here on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Libraries are a good source too. They often have the latest stuff. Good service that costs nothing.

Karl Hakkarainen said...

Agreed on libraries. I'm the son and son-in-law of librarians and pretty much grew up in the card catalogs.
This book is one for which I've already had to pay overdue fines and decided that I should have a copy of my own.

tiffky doofky said...

I have had the same experience trying to find books at Barnes and Noble. The selection has decreased notably over the past few years. Borders is better, but nothing beats Amazon and/or the interlibrary loan system.

Now, when I visit Barnes and Noble, I often bring my own book and just use their space, comfy chairs, and coffee service.

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