Thursday, May 06, 2010

More on bottled water

At the rate we're going, we're in serious danger of depleting our snark resources. This morning's column by Dianne Williamson, Tapping political correctness, means that the rest of us are on rations for the rest of the week.
Yes, bottled water is convenient, vital for emergencies and national defense, and even tasty. It is also, when delivered in plastic bottles to folks who are neither in harms way or in desperate need, expensive and wasteful.
It's also worth noting that carbonated waters, such as the ones sold by Mr. Crowley's Polar Beverages, are subject to the bottle deposit law while plain water is not.

I don't need the local paid pontificators to agree with me. In fact, it's probably a lot simpler for everyone if they don/t. I just kinda wish that they'd believe believe in something.
Full disclosure: Yes, I live in Holden.


Nicole said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think "naturally carbonated" water is subject to the deposit, just water that is artificially (in the factory) carbonated.

I would also like to note (as an official commentator of all things trash) that at least 75% of the debris I find on the road is plastic water bottles.

Karl Hakkarainen said...

I know that we pay a deposit on San Pelegrino and similar products which are, as best as I understand it, are naturally carbonated.

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