Sunday, December 20, 2009

If it ain't happening here, it ain't happening

With a tip o' the hat to Tip O'Neill, all weather is local.
The four or so inches of snow that's outside is just enough bring squirrels and birds from near and far to our feeder. Remembering that there's still a lot of seed under the new cover, the squirrels are digging down easily and eating their fill.
It's not a blizzard, though. It's not even a snow storm.
Oh, sure, for the folks down the mid-Atlantic and along the south coast, it's a very big deal because a) they're getting it a lot worse than we are and/or b) they don't get a lot of snow, so a snow storm to them is a big storm to them.

via Drudge
It's not us, though.

Back in the early days of the Intertubes, a massive storm covered the eastern United States. The Storm of the Century, they called it. I had created a script that would download the latest satellite image from the NOAA ftp site and set the image as my desktop background.
The other folks in the office would gather around my workstation as the storm progressed up the coast. It would lay down more snow over a wider area than any storm on record.
After the SotC had come and gone, and, true to form, most people said, "We  got a foot of snow? Big deal. Storm of the Centry? Pfft." Or, they said something that sounded like "Pfft".
Blizzard of '78? The one that Bruce Schwoegler called the Holocaust?. Folks west of the mid-state ridge maybe got a foot of snow and chafed against the statewide closure of the roads. Again, pfft.
It's not a big storm unless it's happening to me and then you'd better listen to how big it is. 
And then, between the start and end of writing this post, another inch of snow has fallen and the wind is picking up. Maybe we've got a snow storm after all.

1 comment:

GBSC Photos said...

Interesting that only 15 miles south and east from you in Grafton we have exactly a foot of snow as measured by my trusty ruler on the roof of the car.

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