Monday, September 28, 2009

Look out, Princesses, here comes the Estrogen Express

Five years ago, we took the family to Disney World and Miss Cassie, who was not yet born, has not let us forget it. She wasn't impressed with the explanation that she got to go on all the rides while inside her mother's tummy. Nope, she wanted the real deal, Princesses on every street corner, talking crabs and crickets, water slides, fireworks, and some mouse named Mickey. And, did I mention Princesses?
So, in a confluence of milestone birthdays and a bit of money left to us by my thrifty father, we decided that it was a good time for another trip. Further, we decided that we'd match Disney's princesses with princesses of our own. So, Sandra, our daughters-in-law, Lynn and Jennie, and granddaughter, Krista, Tess, Lily (whose 10th birthday is today), and the aforementioned, one and only, Cassie, are in Disney World this week.

Mike and I drove the gang to Logan this morning. At this writing, noon on Monday, they have landed safely and are at the park. They're scheduled for a late Princess Storybook Dining lunch.

Say what you will about Disney's marketing mojo with the whole Princess brand thing. There's one four-year-old who is so happy that she's about to hit her resonance frequency.

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