Thursday, July 03, 2008

A walk in romantic woods

On our way back from dinner at our favorite restaurant, The Jenkins Inn & Restaurant in Barre,we stopped for a walk to Long Pond in Rutland. We used to go there in the summer time when we were dating oh, those many decades ago. You walk a short way into the woods, through the old cemetery, and then turn left onto a narrow path that leads up and down small hills along the shore. The big tree that held a rope swing had been cut down quite a while ago. (Setting up a rope swing takes just the right combination of a strong tree with a thick branch parallel to the water, high enough that you can swing out some distance before letting go and plunging into the water.
Most times, the pond is a lively place with people fishing, kayaking, swimming, 'n such. This evening, we were the only people there, just as it should be.

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