Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mid-winter inventory (nocwyhfl*)

*nocwyhfl = No One Cares What You Had for Lunch, a blog entry that is full of minor details that are probably of little interest to anyone outside the immediate family (and, even then, only if their lives slow down for a bit).

As noted before, we should have half of our winter's wood supply remaining at the end of January. We do. Nearly all of it is wood that we brought from my father's house. I didn't measure our supply in the fall, but I'd guess that it was about five cords. We burn more wood now that I'm around all day long. In the spring, I'll place another order for the coming year.

The sun is bright today, so it's a good day for laundry. The extra minutes we get each day add to the drying time available on the clothesline. We still have to finish drying the clothes on a rack inside the house in the early evening, but the good smell still lingers.

Our winter project is to get our office clutter trimmed down. I've cleared out a couple of small baskets, tossing some stuff and sending other to deeper storage. I've saved perhaps 10 pages out of a half-dozen shirt-pocket notebooks. ("Burn our notebooks. What good are notebooks?") We've cleared about half the shelves, a tasty bit of progress.

It looks as though we'll close on the deal with my father's house next week. The closing was originally scheduled for today. The buyers requested an extension, but said that they might be able to make the original date. Given that we're just about out of the original date, we'll go for next week. We have our final chores as complete as they can be, so now we're just waiting. For all the work that's gone into the house and sale, we've been extremely blessed with a lot of help from many corners.

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