Monday, January 30, 2006

January: more thaw than not

The overnight rain continues to eat away at the snow cover. It looks as though the storm, forecast for tomorrow, will miss us. We may get a few inches of wet snow, but nothing like the nor'easter that we'd originally expected. I'm looking forward to spending a few days in the office. My pockets and briefcase are crammed with scraps of paper - expense receipts, notes to myself, and other stuff. It will be good to clear away some of the physical and mental clutter than accumulates during a time of travel. I have something like 15 hours of conference calls this week.

We've been cleaning out some cabinets, getting at the A/V nest of cables, adapters, and sundry other gozintas and gozouttas. One envelope was marked "Screw hole plug cover things" and dated 9/92, proof enough that a thing at rest tends to stay at rest.

"Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain. G'bye, Juliet.

This just in. Half of the homes sold in December were sold for below the median price.

Whose whale is this? I think I know.

Danny Schechter, "The News Dissector," named his daughter Sarah Debs, giving her the initials SDS. (At this writing, Danny's blog web server is broken, but it may be back by the time that you read this.) I met Danny a few times back in the 70s. His dials are set to 11 almost all of the time.

Egad, my sushi just BSOD'd.

I think that a surprise Valentine's Day dinner here is likely to result in your being alone on the 15th.

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