Thursday, March 03, 2005

Paraphrasing Paul in Romans 7, that which I should not do, I do; that which I should do, I do not. It's one thing to make mistakes or do things incorrectly. That happens, we fix the thing, and we move on. Sometimes, though, we disappoint people who really deserve better from us. The incidents, and I won't go into detail, were small, but telling. It's another day today, a chance to do better.

There's a bit o' brouhaha around Worcester. Dianne Williamson, a columnist for the Worcester Telegram, reports that owners have selected a name for the new baseball team - the Worcester Tornadoes. The speculation was fueled by the registration of the domain name and (The sources I checked said that, while -does is preferred, -dos also acceptable as the plural form.) The 1953 Worcester Tornado is considered by many to be the greatest natural disaster to hit the region in recorded times.

With Photoshop, botox, and celebrity trial re-enactments, it's rare that we encounter something that is what it claims to be. The Really Big Button That Doesn't Do Anything is one of those things.

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