Tuesday, July 20, 2004

My dog loves oranges. He also loves carrots, bananas, and just about any fruit or vegetable except lettuce or celery. When I was out of work, I'd have an orange as a mid-afternoon snack. Marley would sit at my feet and drool until I tossed a slice to him. I still have the mid-afternoon snack. It's a bit strange to have the orange all to myself.

Ain't it the way? Yesterday Apple announced new versions of the iPod with longer battery life and lower prices. They didn't increase the capacity, though, so I don't feel as bad as I might. I'm still very happy with mine. Yesterday I listened to Garnet Rogers, various pieces by Mozart, and the Paul Butterfield Blue Band.

Most mornings I'm one of the first people in the office. There are a couple of others who arrive early and like to leave the overhead lights off, using just the desk lights. Part of fitting in is not being the one to turn on the overhead lights.

In today's Peanuts comic strip, Snoopy observes that if you think about something at three in the morning and again at noon the next day, you get different answers.

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