Monday, July 19, 2004

At the start of Week Two, normality is starting to take hold. I've worn my new clothes at least once. It's like the second week of a new school year. I know pretty much what to expect, know where my classes are, and even have a few longer-term assignments. My manager mentioned briefly on Friday that this contract may run through late November. That is a good thing, for the most part, although it does complicate my search for permanent employment. December is a lousy time to be looking for work. I'll talk with my manager today to understand more of what he expects. I will also need some flexibility in my schedule to help my family from time to time.

On Saturday we learned that my father has been suffering with terrible back pain for a few days. The pain came on suddently and has been withering. He is 90 but has been in what his doctor described as vigorous good health. He has been looking forward to sailing again this season. The pain is draining the vitality from his face and body. Stubbornly, he will wait until this morning to call his doctor and will drive himself to his appointments. He is a strong man and it took this much pain for him to look his age.

Yesterday Sandra and I trimmed the hedges at my father's house. Sandra did most of the trimming and I cleaned up. I dumped the clippings into the woods behind the house, woods that I played in as a child. I remember climbing the big pine trees, getting the pine pitch on my hands and clothes. Unlike the house, which seems smaller now, the trees are bigger and taller. I was tempted to climb one, but then thought the better of it.

We were supposed to have company at the camp on Saturday night, but the company canceled. Sandra and I went to our favorite special restaurant and ate too much good food. As the saying goes, we were too stuffed to jump. On Sunday morning we went for a canoe ride around the south end of the quiet lake.

Sandra's parents are driving from Prince Edward Island tomorrow and will arrive at suppertime. Sandra's mother has a doctor's appointment here on Friday. They've talked about going back early next week. We'll see. They, too, are wonderful examples of living interesting and interested lives in their 80s.

By the timestamp on this entry, you can see that I woke early. Marley's had his breakfast and has gone back to sleep. The only sound is the ticking of the clock and his soft snoring.

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