Friday, June 18, 2004

Sandra's parents have gone to the Cape for the weekend, so we're babysitting their dog, Molly. She's a lively, nine-month yellow Lab. Our dog, Marley, is more than eight years old. The difference in energy levels is quite dramatic. Marley can run around the yard once and then needs to come in for a rest; Molly can keep going for a long, long time.

Grandson Michael graduates from the eighth grade today. We'll not go to the graduation; seating is quite limited. He's looking forward to playing freshman football next year. Last night he and his sister, Krista, performed wonderfully at their annual piano recital at the town hall. They are truly talented. It's exciting to watch their skills develop. They worked hard this year. We didn't get to granddaughter Lily's ballet recital last weekend, but I did talk about it on the phone with her. Great kid.

We'll go to the Cape tomorrow for a combination celebration of Father's Day and the upcoming birth of Russell Alexander Dias MacGregor, the first child for Sandra's brother, Scott, and his wife, Val.

These family events have been fun and a great way to change the subject. Thoughts and talk unemployment and the job search can fill a room pretty quickly, so it's good to be with children.

As it's been pretty much throughout this time, I have some interesting prospects in the queue. Until there's something on paper, though, I will keep up the search. I have many good friends working on my behalf. I'm very grateful.

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