Friday, April 30, 2004

Yesterday got away from us. It was a fine spring day and, well, the time just went too quickly. I think that we'll be hearing that a lot.

I got a lead on a job yesterday. It would be a three-month contract in Arkansas, documenting procedures and policies for the IT group in a nursing home chain. If it happens, I'd, in effect, be commuting to Arkansas. I've been saying in my job applications that up to 25% travel is ok; I didn't think that I'd get the year's travel done all at once. This would be an interesting challenge: setting up a document control system, training the team on how to maintain the docs after I'm done, and, oh, yes, writing. I need to remember that I've had some good contracts and a couple where the wheels came off. What's the phrase - undercommit and overdeliver? Something like that. The VP with whom I spoke indicated that her company might have a long-term, management opportunity as well. We keep all doors open. I'll learn more about this opportunity today.

I had lunch with a former manager. She left high tech early last year and has no intention of returning. She is working on several not-for-profit activities, some as hobbies, some as serious volunteer activities. She's an inspiration to show how one can make quantum career moves.

Tomorrow we get to have Lily with all day. Jennie's mother is moving from Rockport to Northampton. Adam, Jennie, and Mike are handling the move. We've not planned out all of the details of our day with LilyGirl, but it may involve swimming at the Y, a trip to a local petting zoo, and other outdoor activities.

The doctor heard a strong heartbeat from Lynn and Mike's baby, due in November.

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