Sunday, August 19, 2012

Notes from a three-toed sloth

Dictum est in tres partes.

  1. I went to two Barnes and Noble stores on the foolish mission to buy a specific book. IN both cases, I saw many, many Dummies books throughout every business section. I found lots of books that seemed serious about making a career, finding happiness, and riding the latest wave of urgency. I did not find the book I sought.
    I now have a plan. I will not go to B&N unless I don't want to buy a book. My expectations are now in order.

  2. We needed a small fire in the fireplace this morning. The temperature was 50° and in no hurry to rise beyond that point.

  3. Get Human helps you reach a human being on the phone. There's no guarantee that the person will be helpful, but you can hope.

    FWIW, I spoke to a very helpful Verizon technical support rep last week. I was helping a friend with an Internet problem and we needed Verizon's assistance with the DSL account. We were on hold for about 10 minutes, but the call was worth it.

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