Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One weekend in May

We had a fine celebration on Saturday, honoring Michael for his graduation from Assumption College, Tess for her 14th birthday, and mothers Marian, Sandra, Jennie, Lynn, and Karen.

We went out to lunch, 20 of us. I tried to sit at the kids' table, but was asked to leave because Cassie wanted to sit with her cousin, Caroline.

There was plenty to discuss at the other end of the table. Jennie has completed her book and sent it to her publisher. Joe will graduate from St. Peter-Marian in a couple of weeks; he will go to Southern New Hampshire University in the fall.

After the lunch, we brought Marian back to the nursing home, noting that we'd be missing Mother's Day celebration with Elvis.

Mother's Day itself was a quiet day at the camp. In memory of Elvis, we had peanut butter and bananas for lunch.

We're still settling in after last year's wonderful renovations. Few things are where they were and lots of things aren't there at all. My father kept puzzling quantities of unexpected parts, such as a jar full of 1/4" brass screws, but we couldn't find a single wingnut. We have long lengths of antique rubber extension cords, the type that don't kink or get inflexible in the cold, and yet we found only one electrical wire cap, which is two fewer than what we needed.

Sunday we had sauna. The water is fresh but no longer cold, in spite of recent rain and no special warm spells. We have a good supply of leftover pine from the construction project. It's dry and burns hot. Mix in a little oak and maple and you get a great fire.

From a time with crowds full of laughter and hope to a time sitting on the bench overlooking the cove, hearing the planes heading down Route 2 toward Boston, it's how the days are now.

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