Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Local News: Chair City Signalization

The Sentinel and Enterrprise reports that city has received $500K for its Main Street Signalization and Roadway Realignment project. (An anagram for signalization is "I nail a zit song".) The Telegram story puts it into plain English:
Gardner was awarded $500,000 for Main Street signals and road realignment to develop 120,000 square feet of new commercial-office space, and to help with the redevelopment of 400,000 square feet of industrial-warehouse-office space near the project. The money is expected to generate more than 100 construction jobs and more than 150 full-time permanent jobs.

via Worcester Telegram & Gazette - telegram.com - Grants will pay for development work

The New England Post offers a fine summary of the statewide grants: Patrick-Murray Administration Approves 23 New Massworks Infrastructure Program Projects To Support Job Creation

If you want to find out more details about the project, well, good luck. The city's daily, The Gardner News, has its story, City gets grant for traffic signals, locked behind its paywall. The city's website shows nothing if you use their search. Google does show mention of something like this in the July minutes (PDF) of the community development committee.

So, a half million dollars of your tax dollars will help Gardner signalize. Whether that's a good thing or not apparently isn't any of your business.

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