Friday, July 08, 2011

On privacy and community

We were shopping for stuff and met up with a friend. We've known her for long time and so had a quick chat to catch up the doings of the kids, grandkids, and all.
Because we're all of a certain age, the conversation drifted toward retirement communities. Our friend preferred the over-55 developments made up of separate, detached houses or, at most, duplexes.
Stay away from the condo or apartment types, she said. "Everybody knows your business. If you go out for ice cream with your neighbor, everyone will be saying, 'Oh,you went out for ice cream. Where'd you go? What did you get?'"
We talked about work as well, which led to mention of a mutual friend. "She's divorced now, isn't she?" ask our friend.
"Not quite," I remarked.
Our friend noted that, three times this week, she'd seen our mutual friend's almost-ex-husband walking on a street in town.
"He's been staying with his brother," said Sandra. "I think that his brother lives down that way."
"Three times I saw him," said our friend.
"Maybe he's having car troubles," wondered Sandra.
"Three times."

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