Thursday, May 05, 2011

Don't let education go to your head

Today is the last day of classes for me at Mount Wachusett, a college career that meanders through six decades. For all of the changes in education, society, and me, what was best then is still the best now.
  • The best teachers are the ones who know their stuff, know their students, and can calibrate their teaching methods to match the requirements of the material with the needs and circumstances of the students.
  • Everyone has a story about where they've been, why they're here, and where they're headed. If their experiences are anything like mine, all three will change. 
    • They'll think differently about where they've been.
    • They'll appreciate the college time as more than something to get through on their way to their goals. 
    • Where they're heading will change as the result of the college experience.
What's ahead for me? Well, I have finals next week, some consulting work queued up, and a bunch of ideas.There are a lot of things to be afraid of, but, today, the future isn't one of them.

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