Saturday, January 15, 2011


We picked up Rocco[1] from his foster family in Manchester NH yesterday afternoon. His family generously offered many tips about his habits and likes. Even at age nine, he's interested in playing, tugging on a rope toy being one of his favorites.
On the ride home, he settled quietly in the wayback, rising to look around only as we slowed or took corners.
He was understandably curious and nervous about his new home. The back yard is snow-covered, so he explored only as much as the paths would let him. This morning, I need to bring down more firewood. We'll be out for some time and he might wander some more.
After our getting to know when he wants to play, we tossed and tugged at toys through the evening. His foster family had given us his bed, which we put in our bedroom. He settled in nicely and, although he can snore loudly, he seemed to have a good night.
The folks at NEARR ask that we provide regular photos and updates for the first year. We'll start a separate blog for him this weekend.
He's doing fine and we're doing great. Thanks to all of the voices of cheer from family, friends, and denizens of Blogotopia.

[1]His given name had been spelled Rocko. We've opted for the Italian spelling with a nice tie-in to Saint Rocco


Claudia Snell said...

YAY for Rocco! He looks like a beautiful dog. It's fantastic that you've taken him in.

Nicole said...

Congratulations to all of you!

Pink Granite said...

You have big hearts.
Wishing you and Rocco all the best!
- Lee

P.S. I'm sure Rocco will get used to signing his name on documents with the new spelling in short order.

Stoney said...

Mazel tov!
I'm sure the dog spirits at 81 Lincoln are pleased.

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