Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No help for me

So, I'm working on a Microsoft Word document that has a bunch of fields in it. In this case, the document is a journal that shows how much work I've done on a project. The fields represent the number of hours I've worked on each task. Word has some features that let you do basic arithmetic such as add a column of numbers.
The newer version of Word have moved their option settings into places that I don't remember. I needed help finding how to have Word automatically update those fields and recalculate the number of hours I've worked. I knew it was one of the options, but couldn't remember where those options were set.
So, being a good technical writer and faithful to my profession, I looked the online help that's included with Word.

Oh, well, let's see if there's some help out there on the Intertubes.

I've known people who were technical writers and help system architects at Microsoft. They were smart people, dedicated to their work, eager to ensure that users received good online help in a timely fashion. I've been away from that business for a while. A check of LinkedIn shows that none of the people I knew are still working at Microsoft. More's the pity.

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