Saturday, October 16, 2010

In the best world, kids would not need hospitals

noGrandson Joe has been in the hospital for a few days with an infection that's dug deep into his system. The good folks at UMass have kept him comfortable much of the time, but he's had a really rough go of it. This past evening, his fever spiked.
Mike and Lynn have been with him around the clock, taking time away for a quick trip home for a shower, perhaps a nap, and a check on the other kids. We're fortunate to be just across town. Our chores have been modest: a ride to there or elsewhere for one of the kids, evening meals for whomever is home, 'n stuff like that.
And, amid the claustrophobic tedium of two MRIs, the severe pain, and the loss of his football season, Joe remains polite to the staff and grateful to family and friends.
Joe's is not the worst case in the hospital. There are kids on the ward who probably won't go home again. Still, I hope that the other parents and grandparents will understand that, as much as we empathize and share their sadness, this is our only Joe and that's where our thoughts and energies are focused.
There are explanations of why these things happen to kids, but there are never any good ones.


eba said...

I hope Joe heals up quickly. I'll be keeping all of you in my thoughts.

Karl Hakkarainen said...

Thanks. - k

Lori said...

Oh no! Give him my best!

Nancy Delain said...

I hope Joe heals soon, Karl.

Voice Of Experience Say that the more time his parents can spend with him, advocating for him with the staff of all hospital services, from the docs to the housekeeping folks, the better his chances for full and fast recovery.

Keep up the grandparently helpful runs; you have no idea how helpful they actually are. I'll keep all of you in my thoughts.

Karl Hakkarainen said...

Thanks all.
Yes, it's very important that the parents can be active advocates and they're very good at it.

Jen said...

Karl - just catching up on several days is Joe doing now?

As a parent who has been through a major health crisis with her child, I empathize with all of you. Will be sending all the positive energy to UMass that I can.

Karl Hakkarainen said...

He's got a few more days in the hospital at least. The pain is getting under control, as is the infection, but he'll need a while in some normality before he can go home.

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